Article 18
1. No hatch cover or beam shall be used unless it is of sound
construction, of adequate strength for the use to which it is to be
put and properly maintained.
2. Hatch covers handled with the aid of a lifting appliance shall
be fitted with readily accessible and suitable attachments for
securing the slings or other lifting gear.
3. Where hatch covers and beams are not interchangeable, they
shall be kept plainly marked to indicate the hatch to which they
belong and their position therein.
4. Only an authorised person (whenever practicable a member of
the ship`s crew) shall be permitted to open or close power-operated
hatch covers; the hatch covers shall not be opened or closed while any
person is liable to be injured by the operation of the covers.
5. The provisions of paragraph 4 of this Article shall apply,
mutatis mutandis, to power-operated ship`s equipment such as a door in
the hull of a ship, a ramp, a retractable car deck or similar