Article 1
1. The purpose of this Directive is to prevent the pollution of
groundwater by substances belonging to the families and groups of
substances in lists I or II in the Annex, hereinafter referred to as
"substances in lists I or II", and as far as possible to check or
eliminate the consequences of pollution which has already occurred.
2. For the purposes of this Directive:
(a) "groundwater" means all water which is below the surface of
the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the
ground or subsoil;
(b) "direct discharge" means the introduction into groundwater of
substances in lists I or II without percolation through the ground or
(c) "indirect discharge" means the introduction into groundwater
of substances in lists I or II after percolation through the ground or
(d) "pollution" means the discharge by man, directly or
indirectly, of substances or energy into groundwater, the results of
which are such as to endanger human health or water supplies, harm
living resources and the aquatic ecosystem or interfere with other
legitimate uses of water.